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- 2014 -

- DECEMBER 24, 2014 thru DECEMBER 26, 2014 -

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Brief Summary of Christmas Outreaches at Windsor, Ontario Canada by Grace Bible Church

The Lord graciously enabled us to reach out to many students during this Christmas season. Many church members also were present during this outreach. On the 25th, we had 7 Chinese students [3 of them had come to the Thanksgiving outreach]. And on the 26th we had 7 students [4 from India, 1 from France and 1 from Iran].

The format was generally the same. Started out after a little chatting by asking them if they would like to know what Christmas is really about and told them a short DVD would explain it better. The DVD starts with creation to reveal the power of God and how this powerful God came into this world to pay the price for our sins. The DVD is a total of about 20 minutes or so.

For those interested, here are the links to the DVD. Real good tool to use as a starter for gospel presentation.

Starts from Genesis 1:1.God's Created Cosmos 1 of 2 God's Created Cosmos 2 of 2

When the DVD was completed, this gave the opening to clearly explain the gospel to these students. Many [especially of the Chinese] came from backgrounds where the message of Christmas was totally absent. So, hopefully this helped.

Then we had food and during this time conversations were struck with the students. Many church members shared with the students as opportunities arose. This was very critical as relationships are usually created during such informal conversations.

At the end, each student was given a Christmas gift bag which contained the following:

1. All Chinese on the 25th received full Chinese/English bibles, a Mandarin version of the Jesus movie, a Chinese tract explaining the gospel and a box of chocolates was also added to the gift bag. Because it is hard to get Chinese/English interlinear bibles in general bookstores, we thought it would be good to give them complete bibles. The English was based on the NIV and the Chinese was based on a simplified version of Mandarin. This way even if they go to a church later on, they can still follow along in the English with help from their own language.

2. The group on the 26th was a little different. Each received a tract explaining the gospel, pocket sized Gospel of John booklet, Jesus film [French version for the French student and rest received English with options of other languages to select], and a box of chocolates as well.

Now comes the follow-up. 2 of the students who came on the 26 [an Iranian and an Indian] are in the field that I studied years ago and I offered to train them on a few tools. They happily agreed as this would be of help in their job search. So, that is one way I am hoping to reach out to them. Some invited us to their home. Some girls wanted to learn a few cooking ideas. Goran invited one of the Chinese guys [Daniel] to play basketball.

Let us see how all of this works out. The key is the follow-up. I did throw out to the Chinese students about a possibility of a bible study on the basics of Christianity. Did not get a good feedback. So, it may come down to just meeting them here and there to share the gospel. We all need to pray that they will explore the materials given to them and thus be drawn to the Lord.

So, that is the brief summary. Below are a few pictures of the students on both days. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

In Christ,
--- Bro. Ram

In His service,
--- Labourers in Christ